Monthly Archives: March 2014

Oran Gragson, Las Vegas’ longest-serving mayor, votes himself in for another term

oran gragson

Oran Gragson road the rails from Oklahoma during the depression to work on the dam. His wife Bonnie, also pictured, had no interest in Las Vegas, but Gragson coaxed her to stay. He built up a furniture store on Main St. from 1939 to 1959, but when the police force began robbing the store using a duplicate key, he made a run for mayor. He served from 1960 to 1976, the longest term ever for a Las Vegas mayor, and ushered in great civil rights reforms for the town, and presided over Las Vegas when casinos began to be owned by corporations and the mob influenced waned. Photo courtesy of Bo Boisvert.

When Mia was 21 and Frank was 50…

Frank Sinatra wed Mia Farrow after they met on the set of Sinatra’s film, Von Ryan’s Express. Sinatra had asked Farrow to give up acting and be by his side as he made films and traveled. Although she agreed to this initially, it didn’t work long term. Married July 19, 1966 at Jack Entratter’s home, and Frank served Mia with divorce papers in November of 1967 as she was filming ‘Rosemary’s Baby.’ Photo courtesy of Bo Boisvert.

Las Vegas Historical Society thanks the Sun and Joe Downtown

Joe Schoenmann (aka Joe Downtown) wrote a nice article describing our focus in Vegas Inc./The Sun. Check it out!

And, if you have old photos, or know someone who does, have them upload here by tomorrow/Tuesday at 5pm. They’ll have a very good chance at winning a $100 gift certificate to Artistic Iron Works. First Friday visitors will elect the winner.

And, submit a photo by then to get a pass to see Thalia Dondero/Helen Mortenson/Lois Tarkanian at 7pm at 1114 S. Main St. this First Friday at 1114 S. Main St.

Call Director Dave with any questions–(702)580-5760